๐ŸŒฒ mattmcq.me

Watch Stand Project

Tags: projects
Over the last decade I have gone through a few phases on watches. My first was a Seiko which I love, but eventually shifted into a diving watch (no, I don’t dive) as my tastes have changed. I currently use an Apple Watch as it is a fabulous health device and I will use it to supplement my reduced screen time - meaning I don’t have to always have my phone around.

The Hanging TV Project

Tags: projects
I have had a television hanging in my office for a while now. I have very rarely used it. I like having my neighbor over into the Lounge, but when we watch sports, I don’t want to take the TV upstairs. I decided to move the Office TV to the Lounge. This worked out great, but there was one problem. I really wanted my Lounge to be an analog space. No television and no electronics.

Dining Room Picture Frame Molding Project

Tags: projects
As part of the dining room refresh, we put in a new light and wanted to expanding on the molding features that were already in the room. There is crown molding, chair rail molding, and a coffered ceiling feature. Having a good plan when doing picture frame molding is a must. Each wall is different in this room, so finding a good spacing took some trial and error - which is always easier on paper.

Violent Fan

Tags: photos
Behold, the violent fan

The Belan Deck by Matt Bucher

Tags: books
This book or poetry or idea was introduced to me via Austin Kleon’s newsletter. The situation and setting is very relatable to what I do. The concerns and ideas are very timely. He talks about humanity, art, and AI. Mimicking cognitive functions is not the same as learning. Putting sentence fragments into bullets is not the same thing as writing. I have no treasured memories related to Zoom meetings or PowerPoints shared therein.


Tags: creativity
You wave It’s what people do You are neighborly They do not wave You wave again They are not neighborly They stare They seem annoyed You are confused Your car is tinted They cannot see you You are anonymous

Before He was Bill Nye the Science Guy

Tags: media
Before he was Bill Nye the Science Guy, he was a regular on Almost Live, a local variety show in Seattle when I was a kid.

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Tags: books
This was a reread as I find the book equal parts witty entertainment, inspiring advice on writing, and a warm view on our existence. My first read was via kindle and I loved the book so much that I ordered a paperback copy when I gave away my kindle.

The Five Year Journal

Tags: reflection
I have been journalling off and on since 2014, but mostly digitally. I had seen the five year journals and have loved the idea of it. I am weirdly sentimental about knowing what happened a year ago or even ten years ago. I looked through my notes and decided I had enough to backfill a five year journals since 2020, a very interesting year given the pandemic. I purchased a Midori Five Year Journal in May of 2023 and started on my quest.

Yacht Rock

Tags: media music
Last night we watched the Yacht Rock Dockumentary on HBO. This was recommended by a friend who knows we enjoy listening to Yacht Rock on SiriusXM. I learned quite a bit about this genre, but also it really gave me joy to watch. https://www.yachtornyacht.com/