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Meditaiton on an Airplane

I have been practicing meditation almost daily for the past two years. With an early morning flight and a busy day ahead of me, I decided to give meditation a try on the airplane. I had noise-cancelling headphones, so it was able to drown out the noise except for a few close by conversations. That was not enough to keep me from getting into the zone. Following my ritual of practice, I was able to get into a good state and focus on my breathing.

Old Tree with Squirrel

Tags: pictures

People Watching, as Sport

Tags: reflection
Being an introvert and working from home, I do not get out as much as I would like. There is a strange pleasure I get in watching others go about their life. Making judgments, assumptions, and even trying to figure out their lives based on visual clues. There is nothing redeeming about people watching, but I really do enjoy it and often feel a sense of emotional recharge in doing so.

Punctuality by Van Neistat

Slowing Down to run Faster by Edward Yu

Tags: health books
Not a full book read per se, but read the first half and will slowly do the exercises in the last half over time.

The 'Network is Slow' Project

Tags: tech projects
A few weeks back, I had a neighbor over to watch Thursday night football on the outdoor television while sipping on some whiskey. What more could you ask for? Consistent and good wireless. That’s what. I highly suspect it is an Amazon streaming issue as that seems the least robust, but looking at the device, it was a weak signal. What makes this story worse is that my neighbor is a Director of IT and having a strong home network game is a source of pride for him and quickly became a source of embarrassment for me.

The Last Trip to San Francisco

I headed to San Francisco for work. Each time I go, I always expect this will be my last trip. I am not fatalistic, I have made this trip many times over my career and have seen everything I would like to see in the city. I do not need to go anymore. This is a city I consider as my birthright. I feel a deep sense of spiritual home as this is where my parents grew up, met, married, and had me.

A Meditation on Todo Systems

Tags: productivity
I am often caught up in the method and not the purpose of getting things done. I will oscillate between written systems and digital systems to keep track of general todo’s and also identify what are my most important tasks for the day. Ultimately, none of it matters. What matters is if you are making progress on the things that are important to you. Putting your focus on the how and not the why is not a useful place to be.

Backyard Improvement Project

Tags: projects
For well over two years, we had some privacy panels sitting in a box in the garage. They kept getting pushed off in favor of other projects or obligations. I did not have any fear around the project, as I do with some and I am keen to keep an eye on what I am fearful of as that always leads to some good self-improvement. This was strictly a priority problem.

Make Stuff

Tags: quotes
“The satisfactions of manifesting oneself concretely in the world through manual competence have been known to make a man quiet and easy.” Matthew B. Crawford / Shop Class as Soulcraft