Mazzy Star & Mt Charleston
During my time off, I played a few records. One in particular had my brain spinning on memories of being 19 years old. Mazzy Star was a big part of my youth. I collected all of their albums and one song in particular is still a favorite, Blue Light from their album So Tonight That I Might See. I have never been high before, but Blue Light is about how I imagine that must feel.
My Old Fashioned Recipe
Old fashioned cocktails are a very personal thing. Everyone has their variation. For me, getting into alcohol much later in life, I have been able to try a better old fashioned from nicer restaurants. I do enjoy trying one from new places to see how they make it. This does lead to the occasional old fashioned that is made with too much fruit forward and a splash of soda water to fill the glass.
Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
This is a book I had been meaning to read for about eight years. I have heard so many different people sing the praises of Tara Brach, but I had been putting it off far too long, not wanting to face the hard parts of my brain and self-image. I cannot think of any scenario where I would not recommend this book to everyone on this planet.
Success is Progress
You will be happier in life if you measure success by periodic forward progress and not by a specific goal to be attained. It is like the saying, it is the journey, not the destination. Enjoy the process.
Sunset on the Autumnal Equinox
Two Week Sabbatical
I had taken the last two weeks of September off from work. Originally I intended to just step away from work. There has been so much change over the last six months, I just needed a breath and a break. I kept getting asked where I was going and had to sheepishly explain nowhere. About halfway through my vacation, I realized I was taking a sabbatical. I have been with my company for almost seven years and have seen it go from a small startup to a large public company.
Why I do not Participate in Social Media
Social media is not for me. This isn’t a lecture about how it is bad for society and your mental health. It is. This is my personal experience with social media. When I have had accounts in the past, it has been strictly for my validation. The idea that I can present some compelling version of myself that others will find neat is a big boost to my sense of self-worth.
8 Steps to Unf-ck Your Life
Acceptance versus Ambition
Many of my more extreme behaviors, both good and bad, are a result of not accepting me as I am. I have this sense that a desire to be better or improve myself stems from a dislike of who I am now. So I have worried that accepting who I am would undermine my achievements and my drive to be better. My competing worry has been that this is a false narrative and I am holding myself back.