We Are What We Eat by Alice Waters
This was not the book for me. The thesis is we should be living more in harmony with the world around us than we are. Yes, I think everyone agrees with this, but ideals without resources quickly break down into inaction.
Leading Yourself
As I have gotten older and have understood the value of leadership, I have come to appreciate what that means in all facets of my life. I get paid at work to lead a group of people toward a common goal, but even in the individuals I lead, I see many qualities of leadership that they bring to their roles. Leadership is also a quality at home with your spouse, your kids, and even with your friends.
Yesterday was the eclipse and it was lucky enough to be in the path of totality with clear skies. I blocked on my calendar the hour surrounding the moment of full eclipse. We used our special glasses to check up on the sun as it was slowly covered by the moon. As more and more of the sun was covered, it was quite interesting to see how the light changed around us.
Not a Life Sentence
I have come across many obstacles or events in life where things can feel dire. Maybe you have a relationship problem, a new job that isn’t what you thought, or an unexpected financial hit. It is always in these dark moments when I am accepting my new fate that I have to remind myself this is not a life sentence. What I mean by that is just because something is now this way does not mean it will always be this way.
The Manhattan Project
As a kid and specifically in high school, where it counted, I was a terrible reader. I avoided reading as much as possible. Needless to say, my grades were not great. There was one notable exception to this was reading books about the Manhattan Project. It was the greatest acceleration of science that happened in the first half of the twentieth century leading to the atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project had collected some of the greatest minds from every field.
The Oregon Trail by Rinker Buck
I find it endlessly fascinating that you can still see the ruts of the Oregon trail. I have half joked with my family about taking a trip to see them myself, but nobody seems to share my enthusiasm. I was excited to see this book at a small bookstore in Michigan. This book hit two points of interest for me, one being the historical education around the great migration of people on the Oregon trail and the other the simple adventure of going across the country and all that can represent.
Spring Break Fun
It is spring break here. Many of the neighbors are gone. I went for my morning run and the streets were quiet. One very nice house up the street looked to be vacant. The normal activity wasn’t there. The driveway was clear. The windows all closed. However, there was a plumbing crew there with drilling equipment, a call-before-you-dig truck actively marking the lot, and a few water restoration vehicles there. They all seemed to be waiting for somebody to let them in.
Nobody is Watching You
Not sure the source, but as a man who is pushing fifty, this is extremely true…
When you’re 20 you care what everyone thinks, when you’re 40 you stop caring what everyone thinks, when you’re 60 you realize no one was ever thinking about you in the first place.
The Last Repair Shop
The Lounge Chairs Project
Earlier this year when I had committed to working on the Lounge Project, I had ordered new chairs for the space. I wanted two simple chairs that fit the space, fit the decor, and reclined. The order was placed in mid-January and they finally arrived in late March.
I am happy with the result. The throw blanket, pillows, and decorative mirror are up. The room is complete.