🌲 mattmcq.me

Backpack Adventure

Tags: travel
I was at a company offsite in early November. By chance, I had dinner with a few coworkers in another organization. In conversation it came up about the company issued backpacks and how when we were much smaller, we had been gifted a backpack with our initials on it. The person at the table had the same initials as I do and asked if I was using mine. I am not and I said I would consider giving it to her, but this was a prized sentimental artifact.

Coffee Heart

Tags: pictures
Happy Valentine’s Day, to those who celebrate.

Health Goals

Tags: health
As silly as it sounds, the most honest health goal I have right now is to look good in a T-shirt. What specifically do I mean by this? I mean having no gut, having broad shoulders, arms that denote more muscle than not, and a chest that looks more male than female. From this goal, I can break it down into three main areas requiring my attention and work. Strength - Providing the frame and structure to look good in a T-shirt requires moving heavy things to build muscles from my core through my arms.

How Sicario Fools Its Audience

Tags: media
An analysis of one of the better films made in the past twenty years.

Lessons in Stoicism by John Sellars

Tags: books
This is a very quick read and makes for a good primer on what stoicism is for the average person. The philosophy has vibed with me since I started learning more about it over the last five years.

Mental Illness in America

Tags: health
From The Culture We Deserve newsletter is a compelling write up of modern day mental health in our country. It’s abysmal and I have had only a small taste of it with my own family. The feeling of complete helplessness when trying to seek help for a loved one leaves you frustrated, weary, and aged. Anyone who argues American medicine is the best is not using it. https://theculturewedeserve.substack.com/p/culture-digested-mental-illness-is

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

Tags: books
This was a heartwarming story my wife had wanted me to read. Though I couldn’t help but fear terror at the thought of interacting with an octopus, I did enjoy the book overall.

Technology is Getting Interesting

Tags: tech
I shall share this without commentary, but will say things are getting interesting. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/04/asia/deepfake-cfo-scam-hong-kong-intl-hnk/index.html

The Wall & Ceiling Patching Project

Tags: projects
Though most of the kitchen refresh program had been completed, the ceiling was left with several holes along with the bedroom TV hole patching, and the garage wall required some patching as well from the electrical work last year. We had a great drywall person whom we asked to quote, but he ghosted us after looking at the job. The holidays hit and it wasn’t until this past week did we started a search again for a drywall artisan.

We are all People

Tags: media
Every time I hear the word “people”, I can’t help but think of this from Flight of the Conchords.