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Tour of a Whiskey & Cigar Room

· 128 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: media

I’m a sucker for a masculine space like this Whiskey/Cigar Room by Jeremy Siers. It has a very nice aesthetic with the dark colors and subtle backlighting. Who wouldn’t feel like a sophisticated man, sipping their whiskey, in a well appointed room like this.

I’m also deeply intrigued by in depth YouTube tours like this. The details and the process. It’s alluring in an unexplainable way. This has been inspiration for where I’d like to see my basement office go. Darker walls. Wood finishing. Maybe some backlit shelves. I’d definitely been thinking about adding a bottle of Scotch in my office, more as a joke. Difficult conversation, grab the bottle in frame of the zoom camera. It doesn’t at all feel like an HR conversation waiting to happen.