I tend to systematize things. I like a process to be clear and decided in my brain so I can feel a sense of control in a chaotic world. This can be how I plan my goals, projects, and todo’s. This can also be things like an exercise plan for the week. When I should meditate. How much I want to read. I like to commit to a plan and that will generally help me move forward on goals. The problem is, the universe continues to expand and change. The system is only relevant for that moment. My plans this week may be great, but next week may change with the busy and demanding lives we all lead. I’ve learned to hold loosely to a system and think about what is going to work this week. More than a week out is just leaving too much room for the unknown to throw everything you wish into turmoil. Why set yourself up for disappointment, just be more adaptive.
Systems That Work, Now
167 words
1 minutes to read