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Apple's Augmented Reality

· 155 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: tech

I’m disappointed Apple has gotten into the Augmented Reality business with the announcement of their Vision Pro device. What the world does not need is more digital infused glass dividing us human beings from each other. I was happily satisfied to call the Meta VR headsets a massive lighting of cash on fire experiment that we would all laugh at. With Apple getting into the game though, they bring their brand coolness factor and it’ll launch an entire wave of enthusiasts because we know Apple will do it right. What does “right” mean though? This feels like the answer to a question nobody is asking. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised though. It is Apple’s highly capable abilities that put a black rectangle in everyone’s hands and created the foundation for which we stopped being a social people and just push digital bits back and forth as a proxy for our relationships and a society.