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The Illusion of Self

· 155 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: reflection

Let us talk about that narrative in your head. The one where you have attributed bad intent by those around you. Everyone conspiring against you. Sorry, you are likely wrong and here is why: Eastern philosophy says there is no “self.” Science agrees

The Philosophy take:

To take it a step further, the implication is that without thought, the self does not, in fact, exist. In the same way that walking only exists while one is walking, the self only exists while there are thoughts about it.

The Neuroscience take:

Gazzaniga determined that the left side of the brain creates explanations and reasons to help make sense of what is going on around us. The left brain acts as an “interpreter” for reality. Furthermore, Gazzaniga found that this interpreter, as in the examples mentioned, is often completely and totally wrong. This finding should have rocked the world, but most people haven’t even heard of it.