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Thinking vs Doing

· 183 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: productivity

Back up to my early thirties and I was insufferable in many ways. Home projects were a dread. Being a self-described engineer, any problem I had to solve, I would think of the most efficient series of steps to accomplish what needs to be done. I would let this happen in the background while I went about more exciting distractions. Nothing got done, but it felt like I was doing important planning and design work.

These days, I still tend to think through how a problem should be solved. I will even do a little bit of research if it is something I have never done before, but what is different is I will jump directly to action. Better to take action and make some mistakes along the way. Overall you will get more done and you will learn more.

I see this at work too. It is far better to take action every day, even if some of it is in error. Most of the attempts will be fruitful and add up far more than having the right plan or perfect solution.