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The Kitchen Cabinet Painting Project

· 187 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: projects

Much of the kitchen refresh was hinged around adding some new cabinetry with the ultimate goal of painting them all to be a uniform color. We had been living with a mixed set of colors having had existing red maple, adding white painted cabinets, and constructing new custom cabinets. To finally get them painted was a major milestone.

Multi Color Kitchen

The painting process itself is pretty straight forward. You must clean and sand the existing cabinets, then use a sprayer to get an even coat of paint on. Thinking through doing this and buying a sprayer would be much cheaper than hiring this out, however I learned just how time consuming a project like this when I painted our stairs.

Painting Happening

We decided to hire this out to a local company that has plenty of experience in cabinet painting and has been a long time friend of my wife’s. The cost came to just over $8000. We had long been planning for this as one of the major costs of our kitchen refresh. The results were fabulous and they even swapped out the cabinet door hinges for soft close ones.

Painted Kitchen