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Experimentations in Less Phone

· 175 words · 1 minutes to read

I have been trying to look into my own reliance on the phone. I don’t mean the actual phone (which is the worst application installed on my phone), but the time spent soaking up my hours when I’m bored. Leaving the phone in my junk drawer when I don’t need it and relying more on small notebooks has been a useful detox for myself and has kept me grounded in the present moment I find myself in.

What is most interesting to me though is looking around. Everyone is heads down in their phone. I don’t judge, but it quickly becomes depressing to see a room full of people desperate to connect with others not in the same room. I find it distasteful that the digital technology’s quest to bring us together has profoundly divided us. Perhaps our best interests are not going to come from the technology corporations after all.

A few charming pro-notebook videos:

This pocket notepad is (slowly) replacing my phone:

Replace my phone with this pocket notepad & couldn’t be happier: