🌲 mattmcq.me

How I Host a Site

· 210 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: tech

I compose my site on Apple devices using the Draft application. It’s quick, easy, and syncs across devices. It is a fabulous application to just open and start writing. I keep a draft of running field notes ideas where I will write out the next post. It’ll expand, revise, and edit continuously over two weeks.

The next step to publishing a site is on my home Linux machine. I use Hugo to generate my site, so I’ll issue the command hugo new notes/fn006.md and it will generate a new template. I will then copy out the draft note to this new blog entry. Pull and format images and insert them into what I write using markdown. Hugo has a nice feature where you can preview the site by running the Hugo site generation in server mode. As you make changes, it will recompile the site in real-time. It’s neat.

Finally, when I’m done, I’ll commit all of my changes to GitHub, and using Netlify, it will get the latest changes, run Hugo to generate the site, and publish the new static site to be seen. Though I wouldn’t mind something like WordPress to manage it, it’s been fun to learn Hugo, and much lower cost to run a static site.