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My Old Fashioned Recipe

· 152 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: recipes

Old fashioned cocktails are a very personal thing. Everyone has their variation. For me, getting into alcohol much later in life, I have been able to try a better old fashioned from nicer restaurants. I do enjoy trying one from new places to see how they make it. This does lead to the occasional old fashioned that is made with too much fruit forward and a splash of soda water to fill the glass. That is not what I am looking for.

Old Fashioned

My recipe is:

  • One teaspoon of good quality maple syrup
  • Three dashes of Angostura bitters
  • Add a Luxardo cherry because we deserve the best
  • Two ounces of a good quality rye (Russell’s)
  • Mix all together well with a spoon in a glass
  • Add ice to the glass (big cube or what you have on hand, don’t be precious)
  • Peel an orange rind and give it a twist over the glass