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Meditaiton on an Airplane

· 178 words · 1 minutes to read

I have been practicing meditation almost daily for the past two years. With an early morning flight and a busy day ahead of me, I decided to give meditation a try on the airplane. I had noise-cancelling headphones, so it was able to drown out the noise except for a few close by conversations. That was not enough to keep me from getting into the zone. Following my ritual of practice, I was able to get into a good state and focus on my breathing.

I find when I practice just letting breath happen, I lower my heart rate by about ten to twenty beats per minute. One can become connected to the space and also lost in it at the same time. On an airplane, this ended up being a very odd experience. Sitting on a seat mounted to an airplane flying through the sky at five hundred miles per hour results in a heightened sensitivity to the small adjustments of the flying process. I do not normally get queasy, but this was not my favorite experience.