I have spent a fair amount of time over the last month questioning my motivation around wanting to write and share on this site. I had considered moving this content over to a site under my name. The real problem is in exploring the need to publish my thoughts. I don’t see this as a creative act. I see this more as a structure for my own benefit. Write it and move on. I don’t care about audience and purposefully disconnect myself from stats on readership because this is something more durable and open to others beyond my own journal. I do wonder if this tugs at the ego or if this is a point of cathartic release. I do enjoy the ritual of it. I do legitimately want to share things. I often wonder if this is something my kids would someday read. Whatever it is, I guess it is chalked up to human nature and someday when it is long gone and deleted, that is okay.
168 words
1 minutes to read