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Stasis is Not Good Rehab

· 153 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: health

Sunday I ended up with a spasmed muscle in my lower right back. This resulted in an agonizing day. The rest of the week became recovery from the whole right side of my body tensing and being out of alignment from the one problem. I have been diligent about keeping up my flexibility routine and stretching often throughout the day. I have tried running earlier in the week, but had to temper it with plenty of walking. The challenge is to not overcorrect for worried pain by tensing up. I often found I would have to slow down, calm down, find my breath, and remind my brain that I should relax and not overthink it.

Today, the run was decent. I’m still way behind where I want to be overall, but I know how to rebuild. I was also happy to fully embrace the winter and run in the cold rain. Bring it!