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Health Goals

· 344 words · 2 minutes to read
Tags: health

As silly as it sounds, the most honest health goal I have right now is to look good in a T-shirt. What specifically do I mean by this? I mean having no gut, having broad shoulders, arms that denote more muscle than not, and a chest that looks more male than female. From this goal, I can break it down into three main areas requiring my attention and work.

Strength - Providing the frame and structure to look good in a T-shirt requires moving heavy things to build muscles from my core through my arms. This offers plenty of focus on my upper back, shoulders, and neck. That provides a marked improvement in my posture. This also takes care of building muscle in my arms. I have never lifted weights before, so this has been an experiment in learning with the dumbbells and kettlebells I have.

Cardio - To burn off the fat I already have, I have been drawn to running. I have found since my injury last year that I need to ease off running and come up with a plan to build up stamina around it so that by summer I can get my numbers back up. Running provides the vehicle to balance the calorie equation and ensure I am not one sided in my health. It also helps keep my heart tuned and make sure I am not out of breath when walking up flights of stairs with a T-shirt on. Running also requires I keep some level of flexibility and balance while maintaining muscle tone below the hips.

Mental - Conquering my overeating so I can reduce the number of calories in. I have been a long time calorie counter and have recently been meditating. It is time I use the mindfulness practice and apply it towards what is my biggest challenge, food. This became well articulated with me recently when listening to a podcast on our relationship with food. I am only in my first week doing this, so we shall see how that goes versus counting calories.