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Not a Life Sentence

· 202 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: reflection

I have come across many obstacles or events in life where things can feel dire. Maybe you have a relationship problem, a new job that isn’t what you thought, or an unexpected financial hit. It is always in these dark moments when I am accepting my new fate that I have to remind myself this is not a life sentence. What I mean by that is just because something is now this way does not mean it will always be this way. I am very optimistic in my life that I have the agency to change the world around me. You can’t change all of the world, but you can change many things and certainly how you respond to what you cannot change.

In my role and at my age, I am often listening to people talk about their challenges and helping them navigate their big decisions. One of the most effective reminders I can give them is that what they decide is not a life sentence. They can always change it in the future. I think for many, it lightens the seriousness of every choice we make because there are very few things we do in life that cannot be re-evaluated.