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Leading Yourself

· 161 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: career health

As I have gotten older and have understood the value of leadership, I have come to appreciate what that means in all facets of my life. I get paid at work to lead a group of people toward a common goal, but even in the individuals I lead, I see many qualities of leadership that they bring to their roles. Leadership is also a quality at home with your spouse, your kids, and even with your friends. Leadership isn’t about taking charge of people but striving to bring out the best in people.

What has resonated with me lately is the idea of leading yourself. Bringing out the best in yourself. Prioritizing your own physical and mental health so you can be the best version of yourself. I am starting to wonder if to be a great leader, you must first be able to lead yourself. Are we as the human species predisposed to following the strongest and most stable individuals?