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How I Organize My Records

· 154 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: hobbies

I have a very finite list of records I have wanted to collect. Effectively records I know like the back of my hand. Albums I had listened to repeatedly in my youth either on cassette (riding on the bus to and from school) or in my room on CD. These are the records I can sit down and appreciate. This is not an endless list though, thankfully, given how expensive records are these days.

I am able to fit all of my records in a single eight square Kallax shelving unit from IKEA. The shelves are reinforced on the back. Each square has a specific set of records, from left to right:

  • Square One: Borrowed records
  • Square Two: Classical, Jazz, and Soundtracks
  • Square Three: The 1900’s
  • Square Four: The 2000’s

Record Shelf

Some oddities of how I file records:

  • I file records alphabetically
  • I file records by first name
  • Artists can have records in multiples squares