🌲 mattmcq.me

Analog Pragmatism

· 131 words · 1 minutes to read
Tags: productivity

I love writing things in my Field Notes. I have an expert system for creating a monthly notebook to help hone in on the right things to focus on for each day. I am able to record reminders in the future. I keep track of important happenings of the day. I have plenty of extra pages to record insightful thoughts, random lists, doodles, or schemes.


What I don’t have is an extra pocket. I almost always have to carry my phone with me. My phone is also very uninteresting and can serve all of the purposes of my monthly Field Notes. So, for convenience sake, I’ll continue to use my phone for todo’s and recording the day’s events. Those events end up in my five year journal, because I’m slightly sentimental.