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The Hanging TV Project

· 224 words · 2 minutes to read
Tags: projects

I have had a television hanging in my office for a while now. I have very rarely used it. I like having my neighbor over into the Lounge, but when we watch sports, I don’t want to take the TV upstairs. I decided to move the Office TV to the Lounge.

TV in Lounge

This worked out great, but there was one problem. I really wanted my Lounge to be an analog space. No television and no electronics. What to do as I really value time hanging out with friends and sometimes they want to watch sports? I concocted a plan.

Fix wall in Lounge

I put the Vinyl shelves back up and patched the walls.

Fix wall in Office

I also had to patch and repaint the walls in the office.

Temp TV in Lounge

I was able to get my outdoor TV to fit between the shelves as it angles nicely and is slightly smaller than the last television. It works wirelessly and I can just plug it into the plug below.

Bracket in Lounge

The television bracket fits nicely behind the picture album. I only used two of the four recommended screws because it’s a light TV and will only be mounted on occasion.

Records in Lounge

The records nicely cover up the mounting bracket when not in use.

Pics in Office

Finally I put up pictures over where the office TV was.

Total cost of the project was $15 for a new mounting bracket.